Green Umbrella - Menstrual Cup

Green Umbrella




Made with Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE), GU's menstrual cup warms in your body to fit to your contours, providing a unique fit and less chance of leaking. The raw TPE material can be reheated and reused, unlike its less cooler cousin silicone, whose raw material cannot be reused. 

GU menstrual cups can be used for up to 2 years, saving you money and supporting our goal for a sustainable period experience for all who menstruate.

Size small: holds 17 ml, is 40 mm in diameter, and 62 mm in total length. Suitable for menstruators 18 or younger and who have not given birth vaginally.

Size medium: holds 25 ml, is 43 mm in diameter, and 67 mm in total length. Suitable for menstruators 25 or younger who have not given birth vaginally.