Green Umbrella - Organic Tampons

Green Umbrella


Regular - without applicator - 18pk
Super - without applicator - 18pk
Super Plus - without applicator - 15pk
Regular - With Cardboard Applicator - 16pk
Super - With Cardboard Applicator - 14pk


Lots to choose from! We have carry 3 absorbency levels in the non-applicator variety of tampons & 2 absorbency levels with cardboard applicators.

Regular & Super without applicator come with 18 tampons, Super Plus with 15 tampons.

Regular with cardboard applicator come in 16 packs &  Super with applicator come with 14 tampons.

Made from organic cotton and biodegradable materials. Created with GU’s patented CottonLock System technology that helps prevent fibre shredding on insertion and removal. These applicator-free organic tampons are sustainable and easy to use, combining all the things you love with nothing you don’t need.

Want a reusable applicator? No problem, we also carry Canada’s first reusable tampon applicator! 

The organic cotton difference.

Saving the planet one menstruation product at a time, we use only organic cotton. What does that mean? It’s better for you, planet Earth, and the farmers who grow it. No chemicals here, only absorbency and peace of mind.